Expert Mode: When, Login/Logout Settings
When | Login/Logout
· | Run this profile on Windows shutdown/logoff: If this option is enabled then the profile is run when you shutdown, restart, or logoff from Windows. Please note that SyncBackSE cannot differentiate between a shutdown and a restart (there is no problem with logoff) so after the profile has run the computer will be shutdown, by default, even if you selected to restart. This is due to a limitation in the way Windows informs applications of a Windows shutdown. You can change this via the Global Options settings. |
· | On shutdown/logoff run &unattended, i.e. do not prompt me: If a profile is run on shutdown/logoff, by default it is run attended, i.e. dialog box and prompts related to the profile will be displayed when required. If this option is ticked then the profile will be run silently with any prompting. |
· | Run this profile when I login to Windows: A shortcut to SyncBackSE is created in the Windows Startup folder so when you login the profile will be run. Note that it will be run unattended. Due to the nature of this setting it cannot be exported/imported, copied to another profile, or set to be on by default. |
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